Women Growing

País: Argentina
Ámbito: Empleo y formación

Fundación Mediapila’s Mujeres Creciendo program works for the labor inclusion of women in situations of social and economic vulnerability, who are going through very complex realities of inequality, violence and lack of opportunities.

The integral approach of the learning and containment spaces includes technical training, personal development and tools for job placement.

The projects are aimed at women between 18 and 65 years of age who share certain characteristics: they are migrant women and heads of household who are victims of violence and lack of opportunities in the labor market.

The foundation provides a safe and non-judgmental space for participants to express themselves on all kinds of issues, understanding that accompaniment is essential to promote opportunities for social and labor inclusion.


Website: www.mediapila.org.ar

Mail: [email protected]

Number: +54 11 3531-7998 (WhatsApp available)

Facebook: Mediapila Foundation

Instagram: @fundacionmediapila

LinkedIn: Mediapila Foundation

YouTube: Mediapila Foundation

Web contact: www.mediapila.org.ar/contacto

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