Migrant Woman Entrepreneur

País: Chile
Ámbito: Apoyo de redes

Migrant Woman Entrepreneur provides support to migrant women entrepreneurs at every stage of their ventures, with training and mentoring to enhance the scalability and sustainability of their businesses.

This project has improved the perception of migration in Chile and the productive capacity of migrant women in the country of arrival, increased the points of contact and interaction between nationals and foreigners, helped to reduce national spending on social assistance to migrant women and improved their quality of life.



Website: www.migrantwomanentrepreneur.com

Mail: [email protected]

Phone number: +569 9909 4287

Web contact: www.migrantwomanentrepreneur.com/contacto

Últimas entradas

Grupo de personas al aire libre

The role of local governments in migration

Migration brings with it many challenges that are as diverse as the people who migrate. Some situations require measures at the national level, but others can be addressed from more limited areas, understanding that local realities have more specific needs.
