We are leaders in innovation for migration and refuge in Latin America.
Hola América is a program of 2811 and Ashoka that seeks to promote social innovations focused on migration, in order to offer better solutions to the problems that afflict different migrant and refugee communities in Latin America.
Gabriela Carrasco
Commercial Engineer and Political Scientist, Master in Public Administration specialized in Social Innovation and Impact Investment.
Marianny Pacheco
Venezuelan graduate in Political Science and Master in Public Management. With experience in public and private administration, especially related to social project work.
Valentina Valech
Valentina is Chilean, with a degree in Psychology. She leads projects on migration and others on gender and youth leadership at the Ibero-American level.
Maria Fernanda Chaves
A graduate in Humanities and Social Sciences, Argentine writer and journalist, she specializes in the area of migration and works in the operational development of social initiatives.
Waldo Soto
A Chilean commercial engineer, he has helped governments, foundations and international organizations to install capacities on systemic change and social innovation.
Camila Lopez
Commercial engineer with a master's degree in economics and public policy. Chilean interested in social change and public policy advocacy.
Lorena Tasca
Venezuelan journalist with experience in the media in Venezuela and Chile, specialized in the area of communications and digital strategies.
Benjamin Pino
Chilean journalist, with experience in digital, cultural and community projects, mainly linked to social media work.
Sebastian Pino
Chilean sociologist, with experience in community participation projects during his career.
Jesus Huz
Venezuelan web developer and graphic designer, with experience in WordPress web development, marketing campaign creation and SEO application.
Luis Amortegui
Colombian Freelance Professional in Graphic Design and Audiovisual Media. He has worked in the creative direction sector in communications and advertising campaigns.
Maria Merola
Degree in International Relations and Master in Public Policy and Development Management. Born in Uruguay, she has led several social projects in Argentina.
Rosario Cardemil
Rosario is Chilean, specialized in marketing and trend research. Experienced in creative work to position social projects.
Sarais Tineo
Venezuelan migrant in Colombia. Internationalist with studies in negotiation and conflict resolution; socioeconomic rights and democracy.
Ignacio Sarmiento
Political Scientist (UBA) and Mg in Political Science (UTDT) in Argentina. Specialist in migration and refugee project management.
Alvaro Badilla.
Psychologist, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile. Master in Education, Health Promotion, and International Development at the Univertity College of Londo.