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What is Gig economy and how to use it to your advantage in the country of arrival

There are various methods of employment, but many migrants take a steeper path to a good job. However, there are work arrangements that tend to be more flexible and less selective. Here are three pros and one cons of the Gig economy, a type of work that more and more migrants are opting for.

Among the reasons that drive a person to migrate is to achieve better living conditions and help their families economically, and the search for work is a fundamental part of achieving these objectives.

A viable employment option for this challenge is the Gig economy which refers to sporadic jobs of limited duration, performed by freelancers. The term comes from the word Gig which refers to one-off musical gigs, such as this type of work.

This modality of work offers a series of advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the ways in which the Gig economy can favor a migrant worker.

A good complement

If you have a stable job, sporadic tasks can be a salary supplement that improves the household economy. In addition, it can add to the work experience in the country of arrival, something to highlight on a resume.

Friendly with digital platforms

Many odd jobs can be done remotely, allowing you to work from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. Thus, there is no need to worry about getting to an office or being in a certain city or country to perform your duties. A big plus for people on the move!

A window to the world of work in the country of arrival

Newcomers to a new country may face difficulties in finding stable jobs. In general, the Gig economy tends to be less selective, therefore, getting odd jobs is a viable option to start working life in the new country, understand its methods and work culture.


As everything has its ups and downs, it is important to mention that sporadic jobs can lead to a scenario of labor and economic instability, which in turn can hinder associated experiences, such as the search for housing in the new country.

However, there are circumstances in which this type of economy is beneficial, and it is important to consider as many options as possible in terms of economic subsistence and labor integration.

Among the social innovations seeking labor solutions are the mobile application Nippy mobile application, which works in the Gig economy (available in Argentina and Uruguay) and Guáramo, Migrant Ecosystem which helps migrants find better jobs according to their labor profile.

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