Mapa de américa

Sovereignty, solidarity and historical ties: What are we celebrating on Americas Day?

On April 14, 1931, the first Day of the Americas was celebrated. Since its inception, the spirit of this convocation has been one of sovereignty, memory and celebration of all that unites us as a continent.

The Americas is the second largest continent on earth, consisting of 35 countries and more than one billion inhabitants, concentrating 12.5% of the human population. We reside in a diverse geographic area, where we have historically sought ways to live harmoniously together, both among humans and with nature.

Motivated by the desire to unite the American nations, in 1890 the Union of American Republics was created in the District of Columbia, United States. The objective was to to provide mutual assistance in trade, health, agriculture, geography and other needs that would further the progress of the region. The permanent secretariat of this association would be transformed into the
Organization of American States
(OAS) in 1948.

The Day of the Americas seeks to reaffirm the ideals of peace and continental solidarity, strengthen their natural and historical ties and recall their common interests. and aspirations that make the countries of the hemisphere a center of positive influence in the universal movement for peace, justice and law among nations.

Collaboration between nations, local governments, the private sector and international entities also motivates Hola América, as we seek to drive social innovation in the region to promote the progress of nations and the proper integration of the continent’s migrants. promote the progress of nations and the proper integration of the continent’s migrants.

We invite you to discover our
international mapping of social innovations
that are transforming our region on migration and refugee issues, and learn the stories of change agents
stories of the change agents behind some of the projects
behind some of the projects that are driving progress in our continent.

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The role of local governments in migration

Migration brings with it many challenges that are as diverse as the people who migrate. Some situations require measures at the national level, but others can be addressed from more limited areas, understanding that local realities have more specific needs.
