Startup Migrants

País: Varios (originario de Noruega)
Ámbito: Empleo y formación

Skilled migrants face several challenges when setting up a business in their new country: they lack a network of contacts, face bureaucratic difficulties and are unfamiliar with the local business culture. The Startup Preschool helps them overcome these obstacles to find their first customer.

The first Startup Preschool took place in Norway in 2020, and since then more than 491 people have applied to participate in the course. As a result, the Preschool expanded to all regions of Norway, several cities in Germany, Poland and Sweden.

Since the Pre-School, 31 companies have been founded, 40 former participants have applied to incubators, and two former participants have won hackathon. The group of students has 320 participants who exchange ideas and test products.



Mail: [email protected][email protected]

The following social networks are available in English

Facebook: Startup Migrants 

Instagram: @startupmigrants

LinkedIn: Startup Migrants

Últimas entradas

Grupo de personas al aire libre

The role of local governments in migration

Migration brings with it many challenges that are as diverse as the people who migrate. Some situations require measures at the national level, but others can be addressed from more limited areas, understanding that local realities have more specific needs.
