Argentine Network for the Support of Community Sponsorship of Refugees

País: Argentina
Ámbito: Apoyo de redes

Network of civil society organizations linked to the Community Sponsorship of Refugees, in particular with the Syria Program of the Argentine State, which works to achieve the entry and integration of refugees through community sponsorship.

The community sponsorship enables local communities to commit to providing financial, emotional and settlement support for refugees to adapt and integrate in their new country.

Sponsors” or “callers” are private actors (individuals, groups or organizations) who commit to resettling a refugee person or family, assuming financial responsibility and offering support in local integration for a pre-determined period.


Últimas entradas

Grupo de personas al aire libre

The role of local governments in migration

Migration brings with it many challenges that are as diverse as the people who migrate. Some situations require measures at the national level, but others can be addressed from more limited areas, understanding that local realities have more specific needs.
