Civic Consulate

País: Chile
Ámbito: Apoyo de redes

Consulado Cívico is a platform that connects people who have undergone successful immigration regularization processes in Chile with others who are in the process, with an emphasis on women in charge of children.

They also generate coaching courses in migration, have served thousands of people directly and indirectly with their informative publications. In addition, they generate income to support themselves and provide free assistance to those who need it.


Web site: Fundación Consulado Cívico

Mail: [email protected]

Number: +569 8338 8350 (WhatsApp available)

Instagram:   @consuladocivico

LinkedIn: Civic Consulate

Telegram: Civic Consulate Channel

Últimas entradas

Grupo de personas al aire libre

The role of local governments in migration

Migration brings with it many challenges that are as diverse as the people who migrate. Some situations require measures at the national level, but others can be addressed from more limited areas, understanding that local realities have more specific needs.
