Microentrepreneurs: food for all

País: Chile
Ámbito: Empleo y formación

Microemprendedoras Comida para Todos is a multi-sectoral system that provides migrant women with the possibility of increasing their income through training, mentoring, accompaniment and marketing of gastronomic products.

The network is present in Chile, Argentina, Ecuador and Peru, with a view to expanding to Paraguay and Bolivia. They have generated five programs, several jobs and have trained 550 migrant women and young people in entrepreneurship and hospitality.

In addition, they have delivered 260,000 solidarity lunches to assist migrants and families. They collaborate with organizations and municipalities,have benefited nine communes and supported small farmers and restaurants.


Web site: comidaparatodos.cl

Mail: [email protected]

Facebook: Food For All

Instagram: @comida_para_todos_cl

Web contact: comidaparatodos.cl/contacts

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