Prevention of Trafficking and Exploitation of Young Migrants

País: Argentina
Ámbito: Prevención de la violencia y la radicalización

The purpose of Training in Prevention of Trafficking and Exploitation of Young Migrants at Social Risk is to help migrants whose countries of origin are Venezuela, Paraguay and Bolivia, living in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires in a situation of vulnerability.

This refers to unemployed people or people with precarious jobs, women, men and young dissidents with low educational levels and in some cases without documentation, at risk of being victims of trafficking and exploitation.

In its 15 years of work in Argentina, the organization has trained civil society, civil servants, members of the security forces, teachers, health personnel and non-governmental organizations, reaching an average of 600 people per year.

They have also provided legal, social and psychological assistance to 312 victims of trafficking, smuggling and exploitation, 60% of whom are of migrant origin from Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic and, in recent years, Venezuela.

In addition, they have implemented prevention and awareness campaigns, advised on the drafting and modification of the Law on Human Trafficking and presented projects for assistance programs in the provinces of Chaco, Buenos Aires, Jujuy and Chubut.



Mail: [email protected]

Number: +54 11 5324-0532 (WhatsApp available).

Facebook: Ratt Argentina – Red Alto al Tráfico y la Trata (Stop Trafficking Network)

Instagram: @ratt.argentina

Twitter: @RattArgentina

YouTube: Trafficking and Exploitation of Persons

Web contact:

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The role of local governments in migration

Migration brings with it many challenges that are as diverse as the people who migrate. Some situations require measures at the national level, but others can be addressed from more limited areas, understanding that local realities have more specific needs.
