Moving, we are all migrants

País: Chile
Ámbito: Educación y formación de jóvenes

Mudanza, todos somos migrantes is an illustrated book that tells the story of Julieta, an 8-year-old girl  who has to migrate and tells the story of the process she goes through during this journey. The book advocates for a childhood that is tolerant and receptive to diversity, and invites readers to seek out family stories linked to migration.and invites readers to search for family stories linked to migration.

The Magic Camera Foundation Cámara Mágica published its first book in March 2020 and in 18 months has sold 900 copies directly to the public. They have raised more than $50,000, partnered with private institutions for pandemic relief projects and donated more than 1,500 books. more than 1,500 books.

In addition, the organization secured funding to release the rights to all its books in digital format and produced reading comprehension guides for teachers to support remote work.

More than 10,000 copies were donated to schools, municipal corporations and educational and cultural organizations. Similarly, with the rural areas in mind, they raised funds and volunteers to create 20 audio stories released on streaming platforms and on its website.



Web site:

Mail: [email protected]

Facebook: FCamera Magica

Instagram: @fcamaramagica

SoundCloud: Audio Story Factory

Spotify: Audio Story Factory

YouTube: Magic Camera

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