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País: Chile
Ámbito: Educación

Abriendo Miradas is a mobile application of the consulting firm MYRE that promotes the inclusion of the migrant community in public education through consultancies to educational establishments, helping them to change operating policies to include these students in a comprehensive manner.

The project has a prototype carried out in two municipal schools in Quilicura, with positive results for more than 1,400 students, 140 teachers and 60 education assistants. They focus on the Haitian population and illiterate people.



Mail: [email protected]
Number: +569 3575 2222
Facebook: MYRE Education
Instagram: @myreeducacion
LinkedIn: Myre Education

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The role of local governments in migration

Migration brings with it many challenges that are as diverse as the people who migrate. Some situations require measures at the national level, but others can be addressed from more limited areas, understanding that local realities have more specific needs.
