Mujeres sonriendo desde una ventana

Migration through women's lenses

In different societies around the world, women have had to fight for their rights. Whether for access to education, to vote, to work or for the guarantee of their reproductive rights, women have raised their voices to defend their role in society. However, there is still a long way to go. Here are some social actions that can empower migrant women around the globe.

There are challenges that include the entire migrant community. However, there are situations that affect different demographic groups within the community. To address the challenges faced by migrant women, the Hola America Festival dedicated a space called “The Migrant Women’s Issues in the Americas”. Migration through women’s lenses, where various aspects of this phenomenon were addressed.


In order to achieve effective inclusion, the migrant population must find support networks and be guaranteed access to specialized services. There are programs led by migrant women that provide other women with a community that supports and accompanies them through entrepreneurship, management and leadership tools.

It is important to note that migrant women are more likely to isolate themselves in their country of arrival due to the lack of support networks. to work for the physical and mental health of this population.

Likewise, gender-based and domestic violence must be prevented, since when migrant women do not have these connections, they are more likely to be exposed to these dangerous situations.


The Festival panel identified several challenges related to migrant women. These include guaranteeing access to health, labor and human rights.

It is especially important to ensure access to health services for pregnant migrant women throughout their gestational period, regardless of the person’s immigration status. In addition, it is important to train health officials to know and understand the diversity of cultures and parenting styles in other countries.


Migrant women face a situation of over-qualification, but when they arrive in their new countries take more part-time jobs compared to male migrants. This is due to their role in the care economy and domestic work, which pushes them into jobs with more vulnerable working conditions.

Additionally, female representation decreases as one moves up the hierarchy of an institution. When women have confidence and economic autonomy, they are able to break out of violent spaces and inspire others to do so: they share success, networks and cut through narratives of discrimination.

These major challenges require intersectional work, with access to reliable and trustworthy information, so that migrant women can integrate into their new communities. We invite host societies to be empathetic, understand the challenges they face and avoid the roles that are often assigned to migrant women.

Panel Festival Hola América

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